My name is Chris and it seems I'm the first customer to write a review about the new Ultimate GPS!
I'm living in Norway and I ordered it some days ago. The delivery was rapid and with no problems at all.
The device came in a nice package completly with the cable. At the first glance I thought, this is a pretty small thing - as you look at other GPS receivers they ar big and bulky.-
I testet it - naturally first with my iPhone - and its working perfect! EVEN if you in flightmode and turned on the location services - the device works fine. Warmstart and hotstart really in a few seconds if you have clear skies, the coldstart a bit longer - but thats usual! Now the device works fine with all Apps which are using the location sevices!!
Next test was to check ut the "compliance" wit my pc - When you have installed the driver from the website and checked the COM port in your applications it works in the same way as in the iPhone - perfect!
Thanks for the great job, to develop such a effective device wich is small. light weight and perfectly designed! NO- I'm not a coworker of the company - you'll may think! I'm only a stiesied customer with a pretty damned good little thing! ;-)
best regards Chris
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |